
"And I hope she's a fool. That's all a girl can be in this world- a beautiful, little fool" - Daisy Buchanan

Don't cling to things because everything is impermanent- Morrie

“You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world...but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices.” - John Greene

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

When my mother found out that I was reading this book she wasn't the happiest person with me. All she knew about the book was about the rape scenes. Which is what most people think when they hear about this book. In my opinion I didnt mind these scenes throughout the book. I wasn't completely okay with the fact something like that was going on but in a way it added to the book. I think it opens peoples eyes to the fact that these situations do indeed happen in the world. Not a lot of authors put scenes like that in there books for a reason because of how gruesome it really is. It's not like a movie and you can just turn your eyes you have to actually read it. This made the book more interseting to me. I think girls my age should definitly be aware that this happens all over the world to many of teenage girls and women. Many people think this novel is sexist and against wommen but I think differently. Even though throughout the novel women are abused , but I still believe that this isn't a novel degrading women I think it's a novel suppporting women. It's saying how horrible things happen to the best of us and again I think it opens people's eyes. Even after my mother and even my grandmothers warned me about how graphic the novel was at those scenes I still had interset in reading it. I do understand and identify with the authors reasoning with putting those kinds of scenes throughout the novel. It does make me symphazie more with Lisbeth and her struggles throguhout her life because it's not the first time in the novel when she got abused that she experienced abuse. She's in this whole mess of a sitaution because she lit her father on fire because he was in fact abusing her mother. She was standing up for her and thought that was the best way to end it. She went through all of this just to protect her mother. While I was reading it i was hoping that she would get back at her parol officer in some way or another. She could've done it a little bit differently but in the end he ultamitly got what he desesrved and what she felt he deserved. Instead of telling teenage girls not to read this novel I would actually recommand it to this age group more to become aware of what happens in the world.

1 comment:

  1. It IS a tough subject, I agree with your mom. But you are right that the theme is very positive. Better than reading 50 Shades of Grey, for sure. If you like suspense, I can recommend some other books that will make the book talks at home easier!
