
"And I hope she's a fool. That's all a girl can be in this world- a beautiful, little fool" - Daisy Buchanan

Don't cling to things because everything is impermanent- Morrie

“You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world...but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices.” - John Greene

Monday, January 6, 2014

"The Fault in Our Stars" Part One

I usually do not like love stories or books because they make for unrealistic standards for love and guys in general but I enjoyed this book a lot. I wanted Hazel to fall in love with Gus. I wanted her to stop being so stubborn and just let herself love him because even though I could not actually see him I imagined him to be quite attractive and he just sounded perfect. Then again I totally understood Hazel. How she did not want to hurt him when she died. The same way she knew she was going to hurt her parents when she passed. I could relate with her in my own way. I see and understand why she was hesitated with her relationship with Augustus. Little did she know that she was not the sickest one in the relationship. I also understand her obsession with finding out the ending to An Imperial Affliction, which I also wanted to know the ending to. Personally I usually cheat and look at the end at a book and skim over the last few pages so it would've eaten me on the inside not knowing the ending to a book. So I can related to her frustration she feels when she actually goes to meet the author and he ends up being a drunk. I think John Green did it on purpose though because in reality we really do not know the ending to anything. We won't know when relationships end or when our life even ends because life is full of surprises, which is what I believe that this whole novel is based off of. I thought the whole time that Hazel was going to be the one to die first not Gus. And yes I did get a little teary eyed when that happened. Also I thought that we as readers would know the end of An Imperial Affliction even if Hazel didn't exactly know the ending. Although this wasn't an attack packed book or a scary on your feet book I still could not put it down. I wanted to know if Hazel and Gus were going to fall in love and live happily ever after. Of course that could not be the case because they both had cancer but that is what I wanted for them. I loved the character Hazel that Green produced because I feel like an teenage girl can relate to her in all different ways.

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