
"And I hope she's a fool. That's all a girl can be in this world- a beautiful, little fool" - Daisy Buchanan

Don't cling to things because everything is impermanent- Morrie

“You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world...but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices.” - John Greene

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Tuesday's with Morrie

This book was a real eye opener for me. The topics that were touched on in this book made me more open to things in my life. The overall book is about this man named Morrie who is dying of ALS or Lou Greigh's disease. One of his favorite students from college finds out about this and decides to finally visit his old professor. Morrie had so many wise words to say that they decided to write a book on him and meet on every Tuesaday because they were "tuesday people". Eventually Morrie does pass away and his student published his "final paper" which was their book. In this book their were topics including marriage, family, love, and of course death and dying. I could only read sections of this book a little at a time because what they were talking about were a lot to take in. One of my favorite quotes from Morrie, which is actually on my blog, is "Don't cling to things because everything is impermanent". To me as a teenager, this jumps out at me because of all the technology that my generation is addicted to and the whole Iphone phenomenon going on in the world. It makes you take a step back from life for just a second and realize how addicted we are to materialistic items. When in reality we should be focusing on our relationships with people with face to face conversation , not texting or tweeting to each other. When we are about to die, it's not going to matter how many twitter followers you had or which cool Iphone you had last. The only thing that matters is the people around you. Also Morrie talked about relationships and family and explained that they will be the last thing you see before you leave this earth, so cherish them while you can. Do not leave this earth with a single regret. Make that effort to repair a broken relationship you one cherished before it is too late.

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