
"And I hope she's a fool. That's all a girl can be in this world- a beautiful, little fool" - Daisy Buchanan

Don't cling to things because everything is impermanent- Morrie

“You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world...but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices.” - John Greene

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Lovely Bones

This was an interesting book to reread after the first time reading it awhile back, but it is still one of my favorite books. I like the supernatural part of the book how Susie is kind of in this in between part. She's not in heaven, but she is not alive. I enjoy how she tells the story through what she see's . I also like the fact that the whole time throughout the novel we know who the killer is. I kept reading this book because I wanted the family to finally find the killer. I also liked Susie's character , but I hated how she physically could not do anything to help out the family with her killer. I enjoyed the suspense that the book had, especially when her sister went searching around their neighbors house, who happened to be the killer. He came home in the middle of her searching through the house, and the whole time I was reading I was hoping that she'd get the heck out of there already. Also not to sound weird I liked how the killer die because it was kind of like karma. I was happy he tried to escape from his problems , but yet in the middle of trying to get another victim he just happens to take one wrong step and he's dead. Overall I enjoyed this book a lot, and I love the story line the author made up.

The Fault In Our Stars

I decided since I can not wait for this movie to come out that I will blog about it. This is my all time favorite love story , next to The Notebook of course. John Greene portrays this love story so well that you can not help but fall in love with the characters. Hazel Grace is such a relatable character for a teenage girl. She is a stubborn and confused with her emotions and the world which is how every teenager feels at this stage. We all got through this stage in our life times which makes he so relatable and like able. Now Augustus is the type of guy that every girl wish they had. I fell in love with him right away. John Greene creates this guy that makes you wish you were in Hazel's situation. We all want a guy that wants us like Gus wants Hazel. Although he dies kind of suddenly, Hazel still has a positive outlook on there relationship. She calls it their little infinity. Even though they were both fighting horrible cancers , they still found a way to live through it together. In a little over two hundred pages, Greene makes us fall in love with Hazel and Gus's " little infinity". I can not wait to see this movie and fall in love with them all over again.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Tuesday's with Morrie part 2

As a teenager, these subjects that were discussed in this book was sometimes beyond my comprehension. I understand that in life that everyone dies and we all move on eventually, but everything leading up to it I have not even thought about yet. It has not crossed my young because in my head I am so young that death is far away for me, but in reality it is not. Death is right around the corner for everyone. It is bound to happen at some point. That is a strange concept to think about at the age of eighteen. I believe that even when I am sixty that will be strange to think about. Unlike Morrie, I do not fully belief that when my time comes I will be as ready as he was. I am glad I read this book though. I recommend it to every high schooler and anyone older also. It is a book where reality hits you and hits you hard, but it is helpful. Because of the concepts in this book I have learned to put down my phone more when I am around people and actually talk to my family members at dinner instead of being on Twitter and Instagram all the time. I try to text less and call more if I can because I believe that verbal communication is lacking in our generation. I try this new thing called eye contact more instead of looking on my computer or phone when I am interacting with people. This book has really changed my outlook on my second half of senior year also. It has taught me to enjoy things while I can for as long as I can. Morrie had so much wisdom in one little human being and I am glad Mitch Album decided to share it with the world. I am glad I read this book and it opened my eyes to many things. I recommend you read if you have not yet!

Tuesday's with Morrie

This book was a real eye opener for me. The topics that were touched on in this book made me more open to things in my life. The overall book is about this man named Morrie who is dying of ALS or Lou Greigh's disease. One of his favorite students from college finds out about this and decides to finally visit his old professor. Morrie had so many wise words to say that they decided to write a book on him and meet on every Tuesaday because they were "tuesday people". Eventually Morrie does pass away and his student published his "final paper" which was their book. In this book their were topics including marriage, family, love, and of course death and dying. I could only read sections of this book a little at a time because what they were talking about were a lot to take in. One of my favorite quotes from Morrie, which is actually on my blog, is "Don't cling to things because everything is impermanent". To me as a teenager, this jumps out at me because of all the technology that my generation is addicted to and the whole Iphone phenomenon going on in the world. It makes you take a step back from life for just a second and realize how addicted we are to materialistic items. When in reality we should be focusing on our relationships with people with face to face conversation , not texting or tweeting to each other. When we are about to die, it's not going to matter how many twitter followers you had or which cool Iphone you had last. The only thing that matters is the people around you. Also Morrie talked about relationships and family and explained that they will be the last thing you see before you leave this earth, so cherish them while you can. Do not leave this earth with a single regret. Make that effort to repair a broken relationship you one cherished before it is too late.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Doctor Sleep

I am not that far in this book yet but so far so good. I thought it was funny seeing Danny all grown up and acting exactly like his father. Drinking every night and going out and starting trouble. I thought it was interesting how he does not like his "shinning" anymore. Instead of embracing it , he ignores it . He does not think of it as a gift anymore. It is more like a curse now. It does not surprise me that he has become more like his father with all that had happened at the hotel. Also drinking does help his "shinning" die down a little. I feel like as I read more of the book , Danny will realize how much he is being like his father and stop it one way or another. I also thought it was funny how when he was in the one women's apartment and he meet the women's kid that he asked what the cocaine was. I hope that this book gets creeper or more scary eventually too because that is why I enjoyed "The Shinning" so much. This book has a slow start so that is why I have not gotten that far in it , but I feel like it will pick up eventually. I was also confused at the beginning of the book. I could not tell if the side story was apart of this book or apart of another one of King's books. I've also been reading "Salem's Lot" in class when I do not have my "Doctor Sleep" and that one is good so far. It has a slow start to it also in my opinion. But overall I can't wait to get more into this book and see where King takes me next.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

There are many themes throughout this movie but a very obvious one is love. There are two love stories going on. One between Jen and the man she meet in the desert who held her "captive". The other one is between Li Mu Bai and Shu Lien. There's also a love between daughter in father in the beginning , but it's not as promindent as the other love stories in the movie. Both couples are afraid to be open with their love, which I think is part of the "Hidden Dragon" in the movies title. Unlike Jen and her lover, Li Mu Bai and Shu Lien don't decide to be open about it until the end where Li Mu Bai dies. Jen decides to keep her love on the down low because of her rank in society and his rank. Technically they can never be together. As much as Jen does not want to love him , she can not help it . In the end , Jen jumps off a cliff because of a tale that her lover told her about living the life you wanted and that is how the movie ended. This movie I thought was an overall good movie just hard to follow at times. The ending with Jen jumping off I believe has so many different meanings and the director did that on purpose. He wanted you to think whatever you wanted to think.

Monday, January 6, 2014

"The Fault in Our Stars" Part Two

There was one surprise in this novel that for some reason I really did not see coming and that was the death of Augustus Walters. For some reason I was lead to believe that Hazel would be the first because I thought she was more ill than Gus. But John Green fooled me and I'm going to be honest I was not very happy since I prepared myself for Hazel to pass away first. I do understand why he did that though because one he wanted to keep the reader interested . And two I believe that the element of surprise is a theme of this novel. Since it is about cancer patients, it would be acceptable for the theme to be about that because they live off a day to day basis. They never know when something will go terribly wrong or even terribly right. Also the ending of this novel I liked how Van Houten actually comes to Gus's funeral and tries to make things right. Also thought it was adorable how Gus tried to finish the novel Van Houten wrote before he or she passed away. It all mixes in with the theme of the element of surprise and how you just never know for sure how things in life are going to go or how they are going to end or even when they are going end. The way Gus and Hazel ended their conversations with "Okay" I thought was a nice touch too. I believe that it's much better than saying "forever" or even "bye" , but it is a reassuring word. That no matters what happens to them in the future they will be okay. Everything will be okay. And it shows that they believe that nothing lasts forever , but there isn't maybe a real "ending" to anything either. No "good-byes" or anything along those lines. Even though it's a small part of the novel I think it served a bigger purpose and it wrapped into the novel's over all point very nicely. I could honestly read this novel over and over again and I believe that is what I'll be doing tonight. Restarting "The Faults in Our Stars" by John Green.

"The Fault in Our Stars" Part One

I usually do not like love stories or books because they make for unrealistic standards for love and guys in general but I enjoyed this book a lot. I wanted Hazel to fall in love with Gus. I wanted her to stop being so stubborn and just let herself love him because even though I could not actually see him I imagined him to be quite attractive and he just sounded perfect. Then again I totally understood Hazel. How she did not want to hurt him when she died. The same way she knew she was going to hurt her parents when she passed. I could relate with her in my own way. I see and understand why she was hesitated with her relationship with Augustus. Little did she know that she was not the sickest one in the relationship. I also understand her obsession with finding out the ending to An Imperial Affliction, which I also wanted to know the ending to. Personally I usually cheat and look at the end at a book and skim over the last few pages so it would've eaten me on the inside not knowing the ending to a book. So I can related to her frustration she feels when she actually goes to meet the author and he ends up being a drunk. I think John Green did it on purpose though because in reality we really do not know the ending to anything. We won't know when relationships end or when our life even ends because life is full of surprises, which is what I believe that this whole novel is based off of. I thought the whole time that Hazel was going to be the one to die first not Gus. And yes I did get a little teary eyed when that happened. Also I thought that we as readers would know the end of An Imperial Affliction even if Hazel didn't exactly know the ending. Although this wasn't an attack packed book or a scary on your feet book I still could not put it down. I wanted to know if Hazel and Gus were going to fall in love and live happily ever after. Of course that could not be the case because they both had cancer but that is what I wanted for them. I loved the character Hazel that Green produced because I feel like an teenage girl can relate to her in all different ways.